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Aug 11, 2004


Glen Stampoultzis

Yes, it's a very persistent myth. See: http://www.cbc.ca/stories/2003/03/14/water_glasses030314

moen digrassi

Maybe it's a cynical attempt to get people in the states to super-size their water consumption instead of sucking down more sugary sodas, cheesburgers and fries.

Let them fill up on water and have the (relative) health benefits from it :^)

moen digrassi

Maybe it's a cynical attempt to get people in the states to super-size their water consumption instead of sucking down more sugary sodas, cheeseburgers and fries.

Let them fill up on water and have the (relative) health benefits from it :^)


That is good to know considering I will generally feel guilty if I don't consume the recommended amount of water. I think that drinking water does do a lot for the skin but doing anything in excess (even drinking water) can do more harm than good.

Craig Pfeifer

A "hot meat drink"? And I thought Ovaltine was nasty.

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