Most of my friends were at their friends or family for Thanksgiving, so I decided to enjoy a quiet dinner at Manhattans, a restaurant on M street. After a short while, a couple of people sat down beside me and we soon started talking. I mentioned randomly that I enjoyed the TV show Sex and the City, and asked whether they'd like to play the Sex and the City Trivia game that I had just purchased. They said they would like that, so I walked home, grabbed the game, and returned with it under my arm. We had a great time asking each other trivia questions, as well as some of the "truth or dare" style questions that can sometimes be a bit embarassing to answer in front of strangers. We had such a good time that we pondered whether it might be a good concept for a restaurant; a place that served food and drink, as well as supplying the patrons with a variety of fun games. People entering the restaurant would choose which game they wished to play; groups could form their own game, whereas singles and couples could be grouped to form larger parties to play a particular game. In addition, games could be subtlely modified so that losing a particular turn might result in having to order a shot (thereby improving the restaurant's profit as well as the general spirit of the game). We came up with a great name for such a restaurant - "Players". If anyone's heard of such a restaurant, please inform me. I have to say, I like the idea so much, I'm tempted to invest in such a venture.
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