Many people really like food. I don't mean that they want to stuff their faces all day long, just that they thoroughly enjoy savoring good food. Personally, although I certainly enjoy food, I would prefer not to eat at all if possible. For example, if someone told me that if I took the red pill, I would never have to eat again, I'd swallow the pill in a heartbeat. Why? Because I'd save about 1-2 hours a day and around $1,200 a month in expenses. It's odd in a way, because I love chocolate, desserts, caviar, and other such delicacies, but I also know that I wouldn't miss them that much. Coffee, on the other hand, is another matter. It's the perfect way to start the day, and has fueled many of my most productive periods.
Incidentally, until I get the nuclear-powered food-replacement implant, I enjoy eating meals at the Guards in Georgetown, which is a convenient one-minute walk from my townhouse.