I finally received the DVDs for part 2 of the 6th season of Sex and the City. Last night, I watched the entire last 8 episodes and they were great. The DVD set also includes three alternative endings, which I won't disclose here. IMHO, the ending that was chosen was the best and the most believable. In my heart of hearts, I think that Big finally realized that Carrie was the one, and that they lived happily ever after. Anyhow, the Sex and the City trivia question that I came up with is this: what is the last word that Carrie says at the end of the series? I will be impressed by anyone who gets the correct answer!
Posted by: sboiling | Jan 03, 2005 at 07:26 PM
Congratulations! You're absa-f**king-lutely correct! How about posting another trivia question to keep the ball rolling?
Posted by: Graham | Jan 03, 2005 at 07:37 PM