In part 4, I described the initial rapid prototype phase of product development. In this part, I focus on the power of simplicity, which contributed to the widespread awareness of products like Glue
Many people are surprised that we achieved this with a marketing budget of zero. One key aspect was licensing policy; there was generally a free, unsupported standard version and a for-fee, supported professional version. But this did not create the biggest buzz.
By far the most important thing was that we created products that people loved.
So how do you create software that people love? I think the main ingredient is simplicity, which provides many benefits:
- the product is memorable
- the product is fun and easy to use
- the product documentation tends to be smaller
- the product is often easier to test and maintain
- the product demos well, much better than slideware
- the product spreads by word of mouth
Indeed, at one company we believed simplicity to be our number one competitive advantage and decided to brand the company around that concept. In other words, we wanted to occupy the mental slot for “simple” in the minds of our target audience.
There is a lot more to simplicity than just, say, designing an elegant set of APIs. Simplicity must manifest itself in every aspect of the user experience, including:
If you keep all these aspects simple, users will love you, promote you and otherwise help you succeed. They will also assume that simplicity is a widespread corporate value since it manifests in so many areas. However, if one or more areas introduce unnecessary complexity, it can spoil the whole experience and users will assume that simplicity can’t always be relied on.
Creating products that exhibit simplicity is hard. It is not particularly challenging to make simple features easy to use, but it is much tougher to make complex features easy to use.
My design mantra is undoubtedly “user experience comes first”. I ask engineers working on a particular feature to design the user experience first and refine it until it exhibits simplicity. I usually act as the gatekeeper, often sending an engineer back to the drawing board until the feature is crystal clear to understand and use. Only then is the supporting design and code developed. This is an iterative process, because sometimes the design and code provides insights which in turn affects the user experience.
There are several companies outside of the enterprise software marketplace that have a strong reputation for simplicity, such as Apple and Google. In these specific cases, the quest for simplicity comes from the top down and is demanded by the founders; it is essentially a core company value.
Steve Jobs strives for sparse simplicity in products such as the Mac, Mac/OS, and the iPod. Steve is an integral part of Apple’s development cycle, and if a product doesn’t come up to his high standards, it doesn’t ship.
Brin and Page are also well known for their desire for sparse simplicity. When I first tried Google, I was surprised by the simplicity of its home page. I remember wondering what the fuss was about, because the home page was so minimal it didn’t look like it really did anything! Shortly after, Google became my favorite search engine. A few months later, I noticed that the home page had changed subtlety, and become even simpler; they had moved some of the special options to a separate page and then linked to them from the home page. I was impressed by what was obviously a conscious and relentless desire for simplicity. This value continues to be evident in other products such as Google mail and Google maps.
In the next part, I'll describe the planning and development of product releases.
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