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Mar 20, 2005


Joey Gibson

I, too am a fan of Miyazaki-san's work, specifically Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro. My 6 year old son have watched both of those films many times, and we love them. We have also watched Miyazaki-san's Castle in the Sky, which is good. We bought Nausicaa a few weeks ago, and watched it together. I don't know if you have children, but it's _far_ more violent than any of the others we've seen. There are lots of gun battles and sword fights with people dying right and left, blood spilled, etc. I have put the DVD up for a couple of years until my boy gets a bit older. I was surprised, given how non-violent Spirited Away and Totoro were that this one had so much. Anyway, it's a good film, I just would recommend not showing it to young children. I had to learn the hard way...


I loved the movie "Spirited Away." It was one of the most message filled movies I have seen.

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