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Jul 25, 2005


Eran Kriegshauser

Hi Graham, great to hear about your new venture into education. I wanted to express my thoughts on what is needed technology wise in the education system.

There seems to be a great disconnect between teachers and parents in the public school systems. When I was a kid it was up for the children to pass the information to the parents from the school. On more than one occasion it would be 6:00 pm and I would all of a sudden tell my parents that I have a music recital at 6:30 that evening. My parents would freak because I did not tell them sooner.

I like many children did not think about school after 3:30 and therefore neglected to pass on the notes from my teachers.

As a parent I would like to have a dynamic view into what is going in my child’s classroom. I want posting of the assigned homework on a website and a discussion forum for the parents of the class would be excellent as well.

I have often thought about creating an education portal myself and give it to the school. The problem that I see is that the school systems would not want to take on the cost of ownership of such a service. They would be fearful of hosting it as well as maintenance.

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