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Jul 29, 2005



Interesting review. The previews make the movie look like an unwatchable amalgam of 2001 A Space Odyssey's HAL meets KITT of "Knight Rider" meets T101 of "Terminator", all packed into an airplane. This all combined with a bunch of "Top Gun" and a vaguely incoherent seeming plot. Hmm maybe I read the preview wrong...

I find that previews often have nothing to do with the movie, and are targeted at people who are clearly not interested in the same things I am...


Ross Judson

Graham, you're a brilliant guy and I have nothing but respect for what you've built and let loose into the world. But man do you suck for movie reviews. Dude, you just like _everything_.

Here's my capsule review of Star Wars III: Beautiful to look at, in a who-gives-a-crap sort of way.

You need to develop your condescension skills! ;)


Hi Ross, Thanks for your comment, I got a good laugh out of that! There are quite a few movies that I skip in the first place because I'm pretty sure I won't like them. That leaves the ones that look like they'd be reasonable. Also, note that I recommended waiting until video for wedding crashers, which means it was OK but not great. Cheers, Graham.

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