After some more thought, I decided that sections within lessons, and not lessons themselves, should be SCORM entities. So now when you try to add a section within a lesson, you get the following choices:
If you choose "SCORM", you're prompted for the SCORM .zip file and then a new section is added to the lesson that shows the SCORM table of contents in a frame. This redesign allows other sections to be added to a lesson, as well as additional resources to be added to the SCORM section. You can also browse the directory structure and contents of the SCORM package from the browser, which is a nice bonus.
Then we added skeleton callbacks for all of the cmi.core functions defined in the SCORM 1.2 specification, as well as several important ones such as cml.launch_data. My guess is that the implementation of all these methods will take no more than a day.
The total time spent so far on SCORM is about 20 hours.