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Sep 15, 2010


Ed Jones

Graham, cool info.

I mentioned above my panel proposal for SXSW. I'd love for this to be part of the story.

Some questions:
- When you say 858 classes, are you differentiating the new classes you create? I'm guessing not, that you have included Rails itself, plugins, gems, etc? Or am I underestimating the task you took on?
- And the implication: when you say you added 10,000 new loc, how many were actually written in house, vs. installed?

What I'm looking for is the story of how even a pathetic programmer like me can use rails and its gems/plugins to produce near-magic, and professional programmers to change worlds.


Graham Glass

Hi Ed,

The statistics only show the code that we wrote ourselves. We do not include Rails itself or any gems.

The #1 most important thing for creating elegant, efficient software is having a good architecture, which is mostly a function of the architect, not the software stack.


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