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Sep 16, 2010


Martin Kramer

Hi Graham,
I totally agree with you on all four points. Some of the prominent findings of my survey point exactly there: People who have already gained some know-how about LMSs and social tools are more likely to build an effective personal learning environment.
I also agree with you in calling this a SOCIAL enironment rather than a personal learning environment. What I'd like to see, though, is a personally owned place, a "home base" one can use on a long-term basis, and a place to permanently store any personal portfolio. Also, as learners may or may not seek cooperation on certain topics, I would suggest a personal learning environment as the smallest unit, fully expandable to a fully grown institution on the upper end of the scale.
Knowing that this is within the realm of edu20, I'd specially love to see a connection between edu20.org and edu20.net - and my guess is you already have plans ...
Cheers, and thanks for keeping us updated!

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