I think that a lot of America's problems would be greatly reduced if most people lived their lives according to a few basic rules. These rules have nothing whatsoever to do with religion, spirituality, or politics. Here is a sample of the rules, which i hope to expand over time:
- eat in moderation
- exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes or more
- save a little every month towards retirement
- restrain from unnecessary buying habits that result in debt
- avoid using medication unless really necessary
- read a book at least once a month
- avoid watching the TV for more than 2 hours a day
These rules are sensible, rather mundane, and frankly fall under the category of "common sense". But how many people follow these rules? According to one study I read recently, less than 50% of the baby boomer population have any savings at all, and more then 60% of the US population is overweight, so obviously a large percentage of people don't follow these rules. Imagine how much better off we'd be if, say, 70% of people followed the rules!
I would love it if the president gave a one hour presentation every week that broadcast on every TV and radio channel, promoting these rules to the American population. I don't know if there's a historic precedent for this kind of broadcast, but I think it would help a lot to halt the general decline of physical and mental health.
Rather than waiting for a political party or religion to step up to the task of promoting these fundamental issues with the effort they deserve, I thought it would be fun if a separate movement was formed, called something like "Back to Basics", that promoted the rules via the web. If someone wanted to join "Back to Basics", they could wear a pin to identify themselves as a member of the movement. There would be no fees, no voting, no leader of this movement. Just a bunch of values that could be spread via word of mouth and using Internet technology such as blogs. Personally, I'd find such a group refreshing, free of the usual political overtones.
All comments welcome!
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